Spiritual Lap Dance is a performance by visual artist Per Huttner and choreographer and dancer Carima Neusser that takes place at Winslow Garage in a few evenings in February 2018. The individual members of the audience are invited one by one to sit on a chair in the virtually empty and dark garage. In the dark there will be loud music, spiritual matters addressed and some dancing. The Performance forms a part of Huttner and Neusser’s ongoing investigation into how our lives, technologies, sciences, entertainment and fashion would be different like if humans were endowed with more eyes than the two we currently have. Connected events will be performed in Torrance CA, Mexico City and Sao Paulo in February and March 2018. For the current event very little of the higher brain functions will be activated.
Spiritual Lap Dance in Los Angeles is supported by the Swedish Arts Council, The City of Stockholm and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse
A second version of Spiritual Lap Dance is performed at event that connects three of the projects that Vision Forum are involved in this year. The project will be shown publically at La vilette in Paris. The More Eyes team joins forces with the EEGsynth team and Daniela de Paulis Cogito project at La folie numerique. During the event a select number of members of the audience will create music in dialogue with Stephen Whitmarsh and Carima Neusser using their brain waves and the EEGsynth. Carima will try to influence the person with the EEG head-set through her presence in the space. Everyone in the audience is given a special eye that they will try perceive the performance with while their normal eyes are closed.
19:00 Ignacio Rebollo (ENS): Lecture – Synchronous waves in the mind, brain and stomach
20:00 Samon Takahashi: Lecture – Pioneers of brainwave music
21:00 Carima Neusser, Per Huttner, Stephen Whitmarsh: Spiritual Lapdance, EEG-music & dance performance
Spiritual Lap Dance in Paris is supported by the Swedish Arts Council and Kulturbryggan