1 + 1 = 3 on tour in the US of A

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 1+1=3 is an artistic collaboration between Jean-Louis Huhta, Per Huttner and Stephen Whitmarsh. Our starting point is the willingness to allow other to appropriate one’s practice and knowledge-base, and to look at one’s own practice through the eyes of others. We make performances where we use naturally occurring electrical currents in our brains and bodies to create dynamic, innovative and immersive sounds and images.

1+1=3 are doing a residency at  A Ship in the Woods in San Diego which is rounded off by a public  Performance based on Samuel Beckett’s “Ohio Impromptu.” The event is followed by  a hypnotic performance with Marcos Lutyens at 5 Car Garage in Los Angeles. The group then travels onto “The Science of Consciousness” organised by The University of Arizona in Tucson where they present two performances.

Part of the group’s work consists of developing hardware and software technology as tools to connect art, science and music. The EEGsynth project started with a simple idea that has been around since the mid- 1960s with Alvin Lucier’s experimentation probably being the most well-known example.


You can find more information about the EEGsynth at the dedicated website and more about 1 + 1 = 3 on their website.